Minutes – 23rd May 2023




Date:                     Tuesday 23rd May 2023                                                                  Time:    8:55 pm


Venue:                 Northington Village Hall


Present:               Dennis Nye                                                                                                         Chairman

Andrew Bason

Juliet Blanshard

Wendy Simson                                                                                                  Clerk

2 members of the public



Rhona Hatchley

Simon Walker

Cllr Margot Power                                                                                           District Councillor

Cllr Fiona Issacs                                                                                                 District Councillor

Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith                                                                            District Councillor

Cllr Jackie Porter                                                                                              County Councillor


Welcome and apologies.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Cllrs Power, Gordon-Smith, Porter and Issacs all sent apologies. Apologies were also accepted from Rhona Hatchley and Simon Walker who have both expressed an interest in becoming Councillors.


Minutes of the last meeting

The Councillors reviewed minutes for the meeting on 24th March 2023 and agreed the minutes as a true representation of the meeting. The Clerk provided a copy for the Chairman to sign.


Matters arising.

SID position on B3046 – it was agreed that the data already available would negate having to install the SID to record speeds. Cllr Blanshard agreed to to continue to pursue the speed limitation request on B3046

Culvert clearing at Northington Crossroads – the culvert and drains were cleared in March 2022, and it has been requested that they be cleared again but there has been no report of the work being done. Cllr Blanshard reported that the road does clear after rain.

Fly tipping – Cllr Bason has reported the issue and the pile dumped by Micheldever Woods has been cleared, however Cllr Bason informed the Council that another load has been left in the previous 48 hours.

Litter Pick – Cllr Bason confirmed that the litter pick had gone well.


Planning applications & related matters

Water Augmentation Scheme – following the open meeting with Southern Water on 10th May an objection was posted from the Parish Council. The Chairman reported that there were a number of other comments posted prior to the deadline of 12th May, all were objections.


Clerks report & Financial update

The Clerk informed Councillors that there was just one payment to be made for the subscription to HALC (Hampshire Association of Local Councils) for £170.78. This was approved by the Councillors.



The dates have been agreed for 23/24 and they are:

  • 12th June 2023
  • 12th September 2023
  • 11th December 2023
  • 15th March 2024

Melissa agreed to pass on the email from the Lengthsman requesting the worksheet when it arrived and inform the Lengthsman of the change of personnel.


Village Hall

The Councillors agreed to work with the Village Hall with possible funding once the plan had been circulated of what actions were to be taken.


General Correspondence

Melissa informed the Councillors that she had a contact name and telephone number of Conway’s, Cllr Bason asked if this could be shared with him.


Date of the next meeting

The next meeting is planned for Thursday 27th July, the Chairman agreed to circulate the date to the new Councillors to confirm they were available.


The meeting ended at 9:30 pm.