Date: Tuesday 14th May 2024 Time: 8:45 pm
Venue: St John’s Church, Northington
Present: Simon Walker Chairman
Juliet Blanshard
Andrew Bason
Wendy Simson Clerk
Apologies: Rhona Hatchley
Gail Taylor
Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith District Councillor
Cllr Jackie Porter County Councillor
Cllr Fiona Issacs District Councillor
Cllr Margot Power District Councillor
Welcome and apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Cllrs Hatchley, Taylor, Issacs, Power, Porter, and Gordon-Smith sent apologies.
Declaration of Pecuniary & Personal Interests to note any conflict with any item on the agenda.
None were declared.
Minutes of the last meeting
The Councillors reviewed minutes for the meeting on 14th March 2024 and agreed the minutes as a true representation of the meeting.
Matters arising.
Annual Litter pick – Cllr Bason arranged, and 20 bags of rubbish were collected. It was agreed that it needed to be booked for earlier in the year in 2025 as the long grass made finding the litter tricky.
Action: Date to be agreed for 2025.
Action: Clerk to add to list of dates for approval at the next meeting.
School Bus Update – Cllr Bason looked to speak to the company collecting children from the village to go to school about the speed and taking over the road on Northington Hill. The comments have been noted.
District and County Councillor updates
The Clerk had forwarded the reports prior to the meeting.
There were no questions.
Financial Update
The first 50% of the precept has been received at £2,673.
The Clerk confirmed the subscription cost for HALC membership was £196, this was approved by Councillors.
The Village Hall Committee had completed an application for £500 from the one off grant fund towards the exterior decorations work being carried out, this was approved by Councillors.
Action: Clerk to pay HALC invoice and grants.
Planning applications & related matters
There has been one planning application since the last meeting.
The application for Brookside (24/00633/HOU) was received on 17th May and was a retrospective application for an Air Source Heat Pump. The Councillors agreed that they had no objections to this application.
Action: Clerk to forward comment to Winchester City Council
The Lengthsman Scheme is continuing in 2024/25, dates are as follows:
- 18th July
- 19th September
- 21st November
- 16th January
- 13th March
Action: Cllr Bason to forward a message to the community about work to be carried out 2 weeks before each visit.
Cllr Blanchard raised the issue of flooding at the Northington crossroads and asked that if there was standing water on the road that a photograph be taken and forward to her to flag with Hampshire Highways.
General Correspondence
Date of the next meetings
Proposed dates for the meetings in 2024 and 2025 are as follows:
- Thursday 18th July
- Thursday 19th September
- Thursday 21st November
- Thursday 23rd January
- Thursday 20th March
Meetings to start at 6:30pn in the Village Hall.
Action: These are to be agreed at the next meeting.
The meeting ended at 9:10pm