Diary 2022

January 2nd 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
25th 1900hrs PCC Meeting


6th 1100hrs Family Communion and Baptism (CW)
March 6th 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
21st 1830hrs Annual Parochial Church Meeting – St. John’s


3rd 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
14th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
15th 1000hrs Pilgrimage Walk through Benefice
16th 1430hrs Wedding Zehner/Gorwood
17th 1100hrs Easter Communion (CW)
May 1st 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
5th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
7th 1430hrs Wedding Seligman/Freer-Smith
16th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
28th 1430hrs Wedding Mason/De Quick
June 5th 1100hrs Platinum Jubilee Thanksgiving Service
20th 1900hrs PCC Meeting
23rd 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
25th 1500hrs Wedding Geddes/Yoward
July 7th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
8th 1230hrs Wedding Franklin/Harris
10th 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
17th 1215hrs Brief Remembrance Ceremony at War Memorial
21st 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
23rd TBA Wedding Joy/Fearman
August 4th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
6th TBA Wedding Brown/Woodward
7th 1100hrs Benefice Family Communion (CW)
18th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
20th 1330hrs Wedding Winkley/Clarke
September 4th 1100hrs Family Communion (CW
8th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
10th 1400hrs Wedding Svedberg/Mackley
10th 1000hrs Ride and Stride (HIHCT) – Lych Gate Register Only
15th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
17th 1500hrs Wedding Schict/Marriot
22nd 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
24th 1400hrs Wedding Forest/Langmuir
October 2nd 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
3rd 1900hrs PCC Meeting
November 6th 1100hrs Family Communion (CW)
12th 0930hrs Church tidy Session
December 1st 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
3rd TBA Wedding Risebury/Sims
4th 1100hrs Advent Communion (CW)
8th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
10th TBA Wedding Freer-Smith/Young
11th 1800hrs Village Nine Lessons and Carols
15th 1830hrs Wedding Rehearsal
17th 1300hrs Wedding Bryden/Bernard
24th 2330hrs Midnight Mass


Thanks to the volunteer key holders the church remains open most days of the year subject to Covid.

Candover Valley Choir (CVC) rehearses in the Church every Thursday evening at 1930hrs

Italics means restricted attendance

Entries in red are subject to confirmation.