Date:                     Thursday 18th January 2024

Time:    6:30 pm

Venue:                 Brookside, Northington, SO24 9TH

Present:               Dennis Nye                                                                                         Chairman

Juliet Blanshard

Simon Walker

Rhona Hatchley

Cllr Fiona Issacs                                                                                 District Councillor

Cllr Jackie Porter                                                                              County Councillor

Clare Helen                                                                                         Trustee, Town Trust Bus

Wendy Simson                                                                                  Clerk

Apologies:          Andrew Bason

Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith                                                            District Councillor

Cllr Margot Power                                                                           District Councillor

Welcome and apologies.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllrs Bason, Power, and Gordon-Smith all sent apologies.

Public Forum

Clare joined the meeting to give the Councillors an overview of the Alresford Town Trust minibus charity which runs two vehicles between Alton, Alresford, and Winchester along with the village around Alresford. The service is not a commercial venture and does not support commercial businesses but is to support those who struggle with social isolation. A grant from Hampshire County Council paid for both buses and the team are looking to upgrade one of the vehicles to a newer model later in the year. Customers are asked for a donation when they use the service (an example is £4 for the return trip between Alton and Alresford) and this along with ongoing grants and gift aid pay for the insurance, fuel, and service costs.

The Trust are looking for new volunteer drivers and ideas for new routes to support additional people. Currently the bus doesn’t come to Northington, but it could if there is a need. Weekdays the buses complete regular routes but are available for private hire at weekends.

Drivers are required to have a D1 driving license and the Bus Manager, Ken Corbin, would complete a full induction.

Action: Clare to send detail to the Chairman for circulation in the village.

Declaration of Pecuniary & Personal Interests to note any conflict with any item on the agenda.

None were declared.

Minutes of the last meeting

The Councillors reviewed minutes for the meeting on 16th November 2023 and agreed the minutes as a true representation of the meeting. The Clerk provided a copy for the Chairman to sign.

Matters arising.

Defib update including training. – Training dates have been booked as follows:

  • Saturday 27th January – Candover Valley Club, Brown Candover
  • Saturday 10th February, Preston Candover Village Hall
  • Saturday 24th February, Northington Village Hall

All dates are open to everyone as it was agreed that it was important that as many people as possible got the training. RH and JB both took a poster to go on the two noticeboards. The Chairman, Cllr Porter, and Cllr Blanshard asked to be booked for the Northington session, Cllr Hatchley asked to go on 27th January.

Action: Clerk to book Councillor onto the sessions.

Storage box for sports equipment – Cllr Bason was to speak to residents about this idea.

Action: Cllr Bason to feedback at next meeting.

Website documents – the Clerk gave Cllr Walker a briefing document which lists the mandatory documents required to be put on the website. Cllr Walker agreed to review the content against this list and then any additional information can be supplied where needed.

District and County Councillor updates

The Clerk had forwarded the reports prior to the meeting.

Cllr Porter asked if anyone in the Parish was using Star Link as a broadband provider, the Chairman confirmed that at least one resident did use it.  It is reported to be reliable and with good performance, subject to a clear line of sight.  Jackie Porter noted that it was expensive. Phase 2 of the national project to get all rural areas connected is being set up, but currently Northington isn’t on the list. HCC are planning to raise as an issue. HCC have also set aside funding to support households with a child that needs fast broadband to support learning.

Cllr Issacs explained that fly tipping is still an issue, and those reporting sites are encouraged to use “what-three-words” to pinpoint the location.

Parking Wardens employed by HCC are working in Alresford. Cllr Issacs has asked for confirmation about using the parking spaces after the market stills have left on Thursdays. The wording of when parking is permitted is to be circulated once confirmed.

The Recycling Centre in Alresford is at risk of closure due wider budget constraints.   While such a decision has yet to be made, alternative management models are under consideration, including running it by a community group. There are further sites are Winchester and Alton. The public are encouraged to write in to support the facility so it might be saved.

Interaction with County and City Council

The Chairman raised several issues that residents had experienced when reporting potholes, fly tipping and with an abandoned car in the village. Whilst a reference code was given when reporting via the telephone or website, it was very difficult to get any updates of when the issue was to be dealt with.

Cllr Issacs suggest that initially the issue should be reported on the website but follow up via the telephone and asking for the name of the officer dealing with the case. If there is no progress Cllr Issacs suggest that the resident asks to speak to a supervisor.

Both Cllr Issacs and Cllr Porter agreed to get involved where no action is taken for an extended period.

Rural Policing Meeting

A meeting was set up to allow game keepers and farm managers to discuss specific issues with the local police, this took place on Friday 12th January in Brown Candover. The meeting was well attended, and some very useful information shared. Cllr Bason had been invited as one of the local farm managers and the Chairman suggested that he should update the Council with any actions at the next meeting.

Action: Cllr Bason to update the Parish Council at the next meeting.

Financial Update

The Clerk circulated the financial report with the papers.

The Clerk thanked Councillors for the salary increase to £1,200 per annum from Q4 of the 2023/24 financial year.

The invoice has been received for the Defibrillator Training at £175 plus VAT (£210).

Action: Cllr Walker to send an invoice to the Clerk for the website domain in 2023/24.

Budgets 2024/25

Cllr Walker and Cllr Hatchley informed the Parish Council that a survey tool would be required for the Village Plan update and a possible free tool identified. However, it was suggested that a value of £100 (3-4 months at £30 a month) be included in the budget to meet this need.

The Councillors discussed the budget and agreed to increase the precept by 8% which would allow for inflation along with a small Ear Marked Reserve (EMR) to support community projects.

Village Plan Review

Cllr Hatchley and Cllr Walker have drawn up a plan for the review process which they will present to the Parish Council at the next meeting.

Action: Draft plan to be circulated a week before the next meeting.

Village Hall Update

Cllr Hatchley reported that the Village Hall Committee appreciate the support being given by the Parish Council. Bookings have been steady over Christmas and some regular hires have boosted income, these remain steady.

The Chairman has requested a new portrait of the King.  The process will have to be repeated in February, when we are now informed that Parish Councils can apply.

The Village Committee will be getting the exterior paintwork done this Spring as per our £500 one-off grant from the Parish Council. This year it is planned to request a one-off grant for attending to damaged brickwork around the hall’s damp course (esp. along the kitchen wall), repointing etc. Also improving drainage along the side nearest the fire exit. It needs the tarmac digging out and gravel or a channel put in.

The Village Hall Committee have published a calendar of Village Hall events this year as requested; this will go out in the February Oxdrove. The Village Hall Committee asked if the Parish Council could publish the Hall and Church events calendars by email and on the website each January. This would help keep the residents better informed on local events and organisations at the start of the year. The Councillors approved this.

Action: Cllr Hatchley to provide a list of events to Cllr Walker.

Simon Lavers has taken on the role to look at accessing additional funding for future structural repairs to the village hall.  Cllr Hatchley agreed to offer support from the Council along with Cllr Porter at a County level.

Succession Planning

The Chairman confirmed that he will resign as the Chairman and a Councillor at the May meeting. It was agreed that there had been a few interested residents who should be approached.

The Councillor held a coffee morning a couple of years ago to enable residents to understand the role of Councillor with a view to getting involved.

Action: Councillors to speak to any residents who might be interested in joining the Parish Council.
Chairman to send village email asking for volunteers to join the Parish Council.

Planning applications & related matters

There have been no planning applications since the last meeting.


The heavy rain in the area on Thursday 4th January didn’t cause any issues, there was some very deep puddles on the junction with the A33. Cllr Porter agreed to speak to Highways about this issue.

The Clerk informed Councillors that both Preston Candover & Nutley Parish Council and Candovers Parish Council have empty sandbags and access to sand if needed quickly.


The final date for 2024 is:

  • 15th March 2024

Cllr Bason to organise an action plan for the visit.

The Lengthsman Scheme is continuing in 2024/25.

General Correspondence

Winchester City Council sent out the paperwork for nominations for the Mayor’s Community Awards 2024.

Date of the next meeting

Dates for the meeting is Thursday 21st March, however the Village Hall has double booked again with the Police. The Clerk suggested that the previous Thursday (14th March) looked to be available on the website.

Action: Clerk to change booking to 14th March.

The following meeting is Thursday 16th May, this will be the Annual Parish Meeting and will follow the Village Hall Annual Meeting.

The meeting ended at 8:20pm.