AGM Minutes – 23rd May 2023




Date:                     Tuesday, 23rd May 2023                                                                 Time:    8:40 pm


Venue:                 Northington Village Hall


Present:               Dennis Nye                                                                                                         Chairman

Lucy Williams

Andrew Bason

Melissa Jennings

Juliet Blanshard

Wendy Simson                                                                                                  Clerk


Apologies:          Cllr Margot Power (District Councillor)

Cllr Jackie Porter (County Councillor)

Cllr Russell Gordon-Smith (District Councillor)

Fiona Issacs (District Councillor)


  1. Election of Chairman

The Clerk explained that the Council is required to elect the Chairman each year. Councillor Nye confirmed that he was prepared to stand again, and the remaining Councillors confirmed that they did not wish to stand. Councillor Williams proposed Councillor Nye and Councillor Bason seconded the nomination. The full Council voted to approve Councillor Nye’s re-election.


  1. Co-option of Juliet Blanshard to the Parish Council

Juliet had not been nominated at the elections on 8th May due to an issue with paperwork, she confirmed that she wished to stand again as a Councillor. Cllr Nye proposed Juliet and Cllr Bason seconded, and the Councillors approved her appointment.


  1. Resignation of Cllr Jennings and Cllr Williams

The two Councillors have decided to step down, Cllr Jennings with immediate effect after 7 years on the Parish Council and Cllr Williams at the next meeting due to a house move. The Chairman thanked both for their support and a gift was presented to each.


  1. Co-option of two new Councillors

Rhona Hatchley and Simon Walker have both spoken to the Chairman about becoming Councillors. Unfortunately, neither were able to attend and sent apologies but the Clerk confirmed that they could be co-opted onto the Parish Council in their absence. Cllr Blanshard proposed both and Cllr Bason seconded, both were elected to the Parish Council.


  1. Councillor roles and responsibilities

Draft roles and responsibilities to be confirmed at next meeting


  1. Internal Audit Report for 2022/23

Prior to the meeting, the Clerk had taken the accounts to the Internal Auditor, however this process has not yet been completed. The Clerk agreed to circulate the report once received.


  1. Certificate of exception

Prior to the meeting the Clerk had circulated the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2022/23. Councillors approved that the Parish Council met the criteria for exception as detailed on page 3. The Chairman signed the form.


  1. Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

The Clerk read out the 8 statements on page 5 of the AGAR and the Councillors confirmed that the Parish Council had the appropriate controls in place. Statement 9 was answered as N/a as the Parish Council does not have any Trust Funds. The Chairman signed form.


  1. Accounting Statement for 2022/23

The Councillors confirmed that they had read the Accounting Statement on page 6 of the AGAR and that the figures submitted agreed with the Annual Accounts. The Chairman signed this page of the AGAR.

The Clerk confirmed that the completed AGAR, Annual Accounts and Explanation of Variances were posted on the Parish Council website along with the dates for the exercise of public rights to view the accounts.


The meeting ended at 8.55 pm.