Northington Village Hall.
Thursday 19th May 2022, following the Annual Parish Meeting.
Agenda for Northington Parish Council Annual General Meeting
- Election of Chairman
- Election of Vice Chairman
- Agreement of roles and responsibilities for Councillors
- Sign-off of audited accounts for 2021/22
- Questions from the public
Agenda for Northington Council meeting
Welcome by the Chairman and apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the last meeting held on 17th March 2022.
- Matters arising
- Cllr Porter and Clerk to exchange email addresses
- Highways meeting on Tuesday 22nd March
- District Councillor Reports
- Planning application
- Totford Saw Mill Totford Lane Northington (22/00704/FUL) – comments by 24th May
- Clerk/Financial report
- HALC membership
- Jubilee funds
- Lengthsman dates for 2022/23
- 24th May
- 22nd August
- 28th October
- 20th January
- 6th March
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- General correspondence
- Any Other Business
- Date of next meeting
- Thursday 21st July