Northington Parish Council

Chairman:  Simon Walker

Parish Councillors:  Juliet Blanshard, Andy Bason, Rhona Hatchley and Gail Taylor

Clerk: Wendy Simson


The Northington Parish Council meets throughout the year, details in the Parish Council Meetings and Minutes section of this site.

Other useful contacts

We are part of the Itchen Valley ward of Winchester City Council. Our City Councillors are:

Margot Power: Liberal Democrats (

Russell Gordon-Smith: Liberal Democrats (

We are in the Itchen Valley division of Hampshire County Council. Our County Councillor is:

Jackie Porter (tel 01962 791054 or 07973696085, email:

Danny Chambers MP is our Member of Parliament.

Neighbourhood Watch coordinator is Elaine Capp 01962 732 576

Hampshire Constabulary Local Police Officer is PCSO Siobhan Murray mobile 07901102508 or 0845 045 45 45