Community Plan 2024

For the villages of Northington, Swarraton and Totford


In 2013, Northington Parish Council conducted a survey on a number of key local topics such as broadband, housing, land use, parish amenities, footpaths, roads etc. The results were collated and written up in a Parish Plan, representing the views of residents of our three villages. The original document can be found on our website . It was also published, alongside other similar plans, on the City Council website.

More than a decade has passed since the original plan was written, and in 2024 the Parish Council has conducted a similar exercise in order to compare the results over time. Such documents are now called Community Plans and Winchester City Council describes them as follows:
A Community Plan:
-identifies local problems and opportunities
-sets out an achievable and long term vision for the future
-prepares a plan of action to achieve this vision


Two Parish Councillors undertook to design the consultation and draft an online Jotform questionnaire. The questions were based on the findings of the 2013 Parish Plan and revisited the eight key areas of interest, giving respondents an opportunity firstly, to assess their relevance today (ie “still relevant”, “somewhat relevant” or “not at all relevant”) and secondly, to add a longer comment if they wished. The consultation was sent out
online in May 2024 and received a 30% response rate.

You can download a PDF of the Community Plan 2024 here