2018 Diary

St John the Evangelist

 2018 Diary


January               6th          1700hrs                Magi Viderunt Stellam a Concert for Twefth Night, Vox Lucis
                            7th         1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)               
February             4th         1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)
                            6th         1930hrs                PCC Meeting
March                  4th          1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)
                            11h          1100hrs               Family Service for Mothering Sunday
                            22nd      1830hrs                Annual Parochial Church Meeting – St. John’s
                            30th         1000hrs Pilgrimage Walk through Benefice – Start at St. John’s : Finish      Wield
April                    1st          1100hrs                Easter Communion (CW)
                            28th        TBA                     Vox Cordis Concert.
                            29th                                    Grange Open Day (includes fund-raising for The Friends)
May                     6th          1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)               
                            17th        1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
                            19th       1100hrs                Wedding
June                    3rd         1100hrs                Family Communion (CW
                            19th       1930hrs                PCC Meeting
                            24th        1600hrs                Rehearsal for CVC concert
                            24th        1830 hrs               Valley Choir Concert
July                     1st          1100hrs                Family Communion (C2
                            12th        1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
                            14th        1400hrs                Wedding
                            15th       1215hrs                Brief Service at War Memorial
                            19th        1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
                            21st         1500 hrs               Wedding
August                 6th         1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)
                            16th        1830 hrs              Wedding Rehearsal
                            18th        1400 hrs               Wedding
                            30th        1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
September            1st          1400 hrs               Wedding
                            2nd        1100hrs                Family Communion (CW
                            6th          1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
                            8th          TBA                     Ride and Stride (HIHCT)
                            8th          TBA                     Wedding
                                          11.00hrs               Family Service & Harvest Festival
                            20th        1830 hrs               Wedding Rehearsal
                            22nd        1500 hrs               Wedding
                            27th        1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
                            29th        1300hrs                Wedding
October               2nd        1930hrs                PCC Meeting
                            4th          1830hrs                Wedding Rehearsal
                            6th          ?                          Wedding
                            7th         1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)
November            4th         1100hrs                Family Communion (CW)
                            10th       0930-1300hrs        Church & Churchyard Tidy Up
                            11th       1055hrs                Remembrance Sunday at Preston
December             2nd        1100hrs                Advent Communion (CW)
                            16th       1800hrs                Village Nine Lessons and Carols
                            24th       2330hrs                Midnight Mass TBC
Thanks to the volunteer key holders the church remains open most days of the year.
Candover Valley Choir rehearses in Church every Thursday evening at 1930hrs
              Italics means restricted attendance
              Entries in red are subject to confirmation.